Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Kindergarteners Love Books!

The kindergarteners made a little movie telling about their favorite books to read. I love that they have a lot of diversity in what they read--animals, science and fiction!

I can't wait to see what sorts of reading they get into next year!

Favorite Books Finished!

My last post described a project that the first graders were doing about their favorite book. First, we brainstormed as many books as we could, then the kids each picked their favorite and filled out a storyboard telling the title & author, as well as characters, setting and their favorite part.

Then, we moved into iMovie for the first time this year. The students saved an image of the cover of their book, and then took a video saying what they had written on their paper. They had so much fun talking about their books and showing their personality through the video.

I am super proud of the final products!