My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Forest of Hands and Teeth is where we find Mary living with her mother. It is after the Return, which was how so much of the human race was turned into Unconsecrated zombies. The Sisterhood who runs Mary's village has led everyone to believe that their village is the last village on Earth. The village is fully surrounded by a chain link fence that the Guardians built and continue to build and maintain. Outside the fence is the forest, full of Unconsecrated. If people get too close, they can become infected, like Mary's father already has been.
Mary's mother once told her about the ocean, and the dream of seeing the ocean is what leads Mary to believe that there is more to the world than their village. When their village is attacked by the Unconsecrated, Mary and who's left of her village must run, and fight in order to stay alive.
This book packs zombies, a love triangle, loss, and tons of action, all while keeping things friendly enough for 6th grade up.
Now, I have never before this read a book about zombies. Or vampires. So this book felt kind of like a "guilty pleasure" for me. I actually really enjoyed the plot of the book, and the pace was well executed by Carrie Ryan. There was a lot of "unfinished business" but this is the first book of a trilogy. A few places lacked detail too, but I'm assuming Ryan makes up for that in the next two books. I am eager to see what happens with Mary in the remainder of the series. There were also a few weird things, such as a chain-link fence protecting the whole city--why not something stronger? But again, I'm assuming those things will be taken care of later, or I'll just live with them because it is a fantasy book and odd things can happen in fantasy land.
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I love this book and its sequel. If you like zombies, try HOLLOWLAND by Amanda Hocking. It was the first book I read on my iPhone! For a slightly more dense story about zombie/vampire like creatures, THE PASSAGE by Cronin is worth the time (high school/adult)