Thursday, April 12, 2012

April Things

Our "Poet Tree" (get it?) sprouted some famous poets' names this week. Next week, I have the feeling it will be sprouting some famous poems!

I'm obsessed with Titanic. Everyone knows it. That excitement has definitely fired up our students about the ship, as well! Everyone loves learning about it. This is the bulletin board of facts I put together. Its really one that you have to stop and look at and really spend some time at.

These kids love reading about Titanic and learning by looking at pictures! Its contagious, I tell ya!

Doing a little light reading while I enjoying breakfast.

Listening to kids read their books to each other (and their stuffed animal buddies) is always the best part of my day. 

The least best part of my day--a messy desk after Spring break, and a long to-do list after Spring break. Don't worry, I got a lot more boxes crossed off by the end of the day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm so glad to see that someone else has an office like mine - a "working" one! I like seeing other librarians' ideas and I hope you'll follow my blog, and we can trade ideas!


    Lainey Sloggett
