Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Library Displays

Basically, I create a Pinterest board, and my library associate, Jennifer makes everything happen. I am going to be lost when she is gone for maternity leave in a couple of weeks!

Here are some of our current displays:

I love these signs, and the kids have had a good time quizzing each other on which places belong to which books and talking about which place they'd go if they could pick one.

Many of our classes are learning about the Olympics right now, and this is our medal count wall. Our goal is to update daily, but we're already running out of space!

This is incredibly hard to see, but it says, "Are you a library book, 'cause I'm checkin' you out!"

Our "Read Box" where everything is free. The humor of this was lost on most of the kids, but several of them got it.

This one is actually taken down now, but I'm not sure I ever shared it before. I try to put things to attract older students in this case since the high school students walk past this, but may never step foot into the library.

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